


发布时间:2022年10月11日 09:52 | 编辑:成丹 | 作者:

杨清,男,留法博士,2000年江苏省政府海外引进人才, 威廉希尔williamhill官方网站教授、博士生导师,中国作物学会马铃薯专业委员会委员、第七届专业委员会理事,国家马铃薯产业科技创新联盟理事,国家科学技术奖励评委。

另外,还任教育部科技奖励评审专家,教育部博士后与回国留学人员及博士点基金、国家自然科学基金评审专家、安徽省科技厅和自然科学基金评审专家,江苏省教育厅科技专家、江苏省科技厅科技专家、北京市科技项目评审专家、江西省科技厅科技评审专家、福建省科技厅科技项目评审专家、河北省科技厅项目评审专家、重庆市科委项目评审专家、山东省高层次人才发展促进会及知识产权局评审专家、中国农业科学院学位论文评审专家,中国留法人员农业学会副理事长(中国区负责人,2015-2018),Plant Biotechnology J, New Phytologist, PLOS ONE 和PMBR审稿人,作物学报、园艺学报、西北植物学报审稿人,中国科技论文在线评审专家,国际学术期刊"GENES"学术编辑(Review Editor, Section Board for 'Plant Genetics and Genomics'),“Genetic Modification of Potato”特刊Guest Editor, "Frontiers in Plant Science"学术编辑(Review Editor, Scction of Plant Pathogen Interaction)。

长期从事马铃薯研究,主持和参与国家基金委、教育部、科技部、外专局和省科技厅课题18项,财政部实验室修缮项目1项,省教育厅研究生优秀课程1项,省研究生创新工程项目2项,大学生国家创新实践项目3项,校SRT项目8项。 在The Plant Journal、PCE、Molecular Plant、Genetics、Plos ONE、PMB、Plant Mol Bio Rep、PCTOC、TAG、JIPB、Plant Science、BMC Genetics, Frontier Plant Sci等国内外学术刊物上发表论文170余篇, 获得授权国家发明专利3项。培养研究生103名。

Dr. Qing YANG, Professor of biology and doctoral supervisor of Nanjing Agricultural University. He graduated from Rennes National Agricultural University in France in 1989 with a doctorate in plant bioengineering. From 1989 to 1991, he conducted postdoctoral research at the Rennes center of the French National Institute of agricultural research. After that, he was engaged in postdoctoral research at the University of Quebec in Montreal, Canada, until 1997. From 1998 to 2000, he worked as a research scientist at IRBV of the University of Montreal, Canada. From 2000 to 2002, he served as Professor, doctoral supervisor, director of molecular biology laboratory and vice president in the college of biotechnology of Nanjing Agricultural University. Since 2002, he has been a professor and doctoral supervisor in the college of life sciences. In addition, he also served as a member of the China potato professional committee, an expert for the evaluation of the national science and technology award, an expert for the evaluation of the award of the Ministry of science and technology, an expert for the evaluation of doctoral and international student funds of the Ministry of education, an expert for the evaluation of Anhui Natural Science Award, an expert for the evaluation of papers of the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, a reviewer of Plant Biotechnology J, PLoS One, PMBR, New Phytologist and Chinese scientific papers online. He has long been engaged in the research of plant molecular biology, potato functional genomics, genetic engineering and potato biotechnology. He has published more than 170 papers in domestic and foreign academic journals such as Plant Journal, PCE, Genetics, PLoS One, PMB, PCTOC, TAG, JIPB, Plant Science and BMC genetics, It has 3 national authorized invention patents. Relying on these studies, he directed 103 master's and doctoral students.


中国新闻社: http://www.chinanews.com/cj/2016/03-22/7807248.shtml

扬子晚报: http://www.yangtse.com/jiaoyu/2016-03-21/829839.html


金陵晚报: http://jlwb.njnews.cn/jlwb/html/2016-03/07/content_30589.htm

中国侨网: http://www.chinaqw.com/jjkj/2016/03-23/83170.shtml



1986.1-1989.1: 法国雷恩国立农业大学(ENSAR)植物科学系学习,获植物生物工程专业博士学位;

1984.2-1985.12: 法国雷恩国立农业大学农学系学习,获植物遗传改良专业硕士学位;

1978.2-1982.3: 南京农学院园艺系学习,获蔬菜专业学士学位。




1998-2000年:加拿大蒙特利尔大学(University of Montreal)植物生物学研究所(IRBV)研究科学家;






主编“分子生物学与基因工程实验技术”,全国高等农林院校生物科学类专业十二五规划系列教材,中国农业大学出版社, 2014。





1. 现代分子生物学(硕士/博士, 面向全校生物学科,2001-2012, 获校级(2011)优秀研究生课程);

2. 分子生物学研究方法/分子生物学实验技术(硕士/博士, 面向全校生物学科,2001年至今, 2005年校级研究生重点建设课程);

3. 细胞生物学研究技术(硕士, 参与教学, 2012年至今);

4. 分子生物学研究进展(博士生, 面向全校生物学科,2007-2012);

5. 分子细胞生物学(硕士/博士, 面向全校生物学科,2001-2012,省级(2012)优秀研究生课程);

6. 细胞工程(本科, 2004年至今)。


1. 威廉希尔williamhill官方网站研究生核心课程《分子生物学研究方法》建设项目(2004-2005),主持。

2.  江苏省教育厅级优秀研究生课程《细胞,分子生物学》建设项目(2012-2013),主持。


研究生招生与培养:招生专业包括:1)分子生物学专业,2)细胞生物学专业。率先在细胞生物学专业招收研究生(第一个硕士和博士研究生)。至今为止,培养博士27名、硕士76名(21名毕业生有高级职称,包括正高9人、副高13人,其中在大学和研究机构任职的有:郝岗平,山东第一医科大学教授;张松贺,河海大学教授;卢其能,宜春学院教授;邹华文,长江大学教授;史仁玖,山东第一医科大学教授;梁峰,商丘师范学院教授;乔枫,青海师范大学教授;谢彦杰,威廉希尔williamhill官方网站教授; 刘世强,江西农业大学教授;王玉华,西北大学副教授;邢宇俊,江苏省农业科学院副研究员;王忠,江苏省中科院植物研究所副研究员;赵文锋,中国药科大学副教授;李志亮,邯郸学院副教授;周国安,中科院遗传与发育生物学研究所副研究员;刘水平,杭州师范大学副研究员;张云峰,淮阴师范学院副教授; 李晨,河北农业大学副教授;陈茂盛,中国科学院西双版纳热带植物园副研究员;洪永波,中国水稻研究所副研究员;唐锐敏,山西农业大学副教授;郭建林,河南师范大学讲师;决登伟,重庆文理学院讲师;李根涛,潍坊医学院讲师,王永丽,江苏大学助理研究员;褚姗姗,河威廉希尔williamhill官方网站业大学助理研究员;杨柳,江苏省农业科学院助理研究员)。















1. 首次研发成功花椰菜花药培养单倍体再生技术及高效体系;

2. 发明花蕾培养单倍体诱导技术,该技术是继花药培养和小孢子培养技术后第三个雄性生殖单倍体诱导技术;

3. 研制一种野生马铃薯微型薯诱导技术,为野生马铃薯的繁殖和保存提供了新的途径;

5. 利用叶绿体基因工程,在烟草中成功合成长链聚羟基脂肪酸酯;

6. 采用RNAi技术,构建OsGA20ox2 gene 沉默矮杆水稻;

7. 分别应用DDRT-PCR、AFLP-cDNA、RNA-Seq技术建立了3个转录组数据库:1)基于StCO转基因材料的马铃薯块茎分化与发育相关基因表达数据库,2)与黄萎病抗性相关的茄子功能基因转录组数据库,3)与黄萎病抗性相关的茄子小RNA数据库;


8. 研究了二倍体马铃薯Solanum Chacoense自交不亲和性,揭示其不亲和机制;

9. 深入研究了马铃薯块茎形成调控的分子基础,鉴定并克隆了多个与马铃薯块茎分化与发育调控相关基因如PHYA、PHYB、COL、FT、TFL等基因,并揭示了它们在块茎形成调控中的功能;

10. 系统地研究了马铃薯花色苷生物合成关键酶基因,克隆了全套结构基因及部分调节基因,并将部分基因成功地应用于马铃薯花色苷含量改良;

11. 克隆了马铃薯类胡萝卜素关键基因StLCYb,并成功地将之应用于马铃薯块茎类胡萝素合成改良;

12. 克隆了数十个马铃薯耐热、耐寒、耐盐、抗虫等基因,并阐明了这些基因的功能;

13. 通过体外抑癌实验,揭示了彩色马铃薯花色苷和绿原酸在抗肝癌和结肠癌中的作用;

14. 开展抗菌肽MSI-99m的应用研究,揭示其在抗马铃薯晚疫病、青枯病、油菜菌核病中的功能;

15. 采用转录组测序,研究了马铃薯栽培品种在热胁迫下的分子响应,揭示了马铃薯耐热的分子基础;

16. 采用生物信息学和分子生物学方法,鉴定了马铃薯HSF家族基因,该家族包27 成员;

17. 采用生物信息学和分子生物学方法,鉴定了马铃薯bZIP家族基因,该家族包63成员;

18. 采用生物信息学和分子生物学方法,鉴定了马铃薯WDR家族基因,该家族包168成员;


19. 系统地研究了受黄萎病菌诱导的野生茄子差异基因表达谱,揭示了野生茄子Solanum torvum抗黄萎病的分子基础,在此基础上克隆和研究了10多个基因的抗病功能;

20. 系统地研究了受黄萎病菌诱导表达的茄子miRNA,揭示了miRNA参与茄子黄萎病防卫过程,研究并揭示了6个miRNA的功能;

21. 采用降解组测序,系统地鉴定了受黄萎病菌诱导表达的茄子miRNA靶基因,发现这些靶基因与小RNA之间在功能上存在的复杂网络关系;


22. 通过转录组测序分析,揭示了大豆对斜纹夜蛾响应在基因和转录水平上的多样性;

23. 采用基于多拷贝分析,研究了大豆异黄酮途径的进化,发现代谢途径的结构和功能决定了基因复制和组成酶的进化约束。


- Tang RM, Dong HT, He LH, Li P, Shi YR, Yang Q, Jia XY and Li XQ (2022) Genome?wide identification, evolutionary and functional analyses of KFB family members in potato. BMC Plant Biology (2022) 22:226. https://doi.org/10.1186/s12870-022-03611-y

- Chen M, Xie C, Yang Q, Zhu WJ and Wang M (2022) Protein extract of tobacco expressing Solanum torvum PP5-Encoding Gene Inhibits Verticillium dahliae Proliferation. Horticulturae, 8, 252. https://doi.org/10.3390/horticulturae8030252

- Cheng PF, Wang J, Zhao ZS, Kong LS, Lou W, Zhang T, Jing DD, Yu JL, Shu ZL, LHuang LQ, Zhu WJ, Yang Q and Shen WB (2021) Molecular hydrogen increases quantitative and qualitative traits of rice grain in field trials. Plants, 10, 2331. https://doi.org/10.3390/plants10112331

- Zhu WJ, Liu XR, Chen M, Tao NJ, Tendu A, Yang Q (2021) A new miRNA miRm0002 in eggplant participates in the regulation of defense responses to Verticillium wilt. Plants, 2021, 10(11), 2274. https://doi.org/10.3390/plants10112274

- Zhang GD, Tang RM, Niu SY, Si HJ, Yang Q, Rajora OP, Li XQ (2021) Heat-stress-induced sprouting and differential gene expression in growing potato tubers: Comparative transcriptomics with that induced by postharvest sprouting. Horticulture Research, 8:226, https://doi.org/10.1038/s41438-021-00680-2

- Li T, Tao NJ, Lin YM, Chen M, Jiao DL, Xue CM, Zhu WJ, Yang Q (2021) Identification of miRNA targets in eggplant in response to Verticillium dahliae by degradome sequencing. Eur J Plant Pathol, https://doi.org/10.1007/s10658-021-02217-8

- Zhu WJ, Li PP, Xue CM, Chen M, Wang Z, Yang Q (2021) Potato plants overexpressing SpHsfA4c exhibit enhanced tolerance to high-temperature stress. Russian Journal of Plant Physiology, https://doi.org/10.1134/S1021443721060248

- Zhu WJ, Jiao DL, Zhang J, Xue CM, Chen M, Yang Q (2020) Genomewide identification and analysis of BES1/BZR1 transcription factor family in potato (Solanum tuberosum L). Plant Growth Regulation, https://doi.org/10.1007/s10725-020-00645-w

- Tang RM, Gupta SK, Niu SY, Li XQ, Yang Q, Chen GS, Zhu WJ, Haroon M (2020) Transcriptome analysis of heat stress response genes in potato leaves. Molecular Biology Reports, https://doi.org/10.1007/s11033-020-05485-5

- Zhang GD, Tang RM, Niu SY, Si HJ, Yang Q, Bizimungu B, Regan S, Li XQ (2019) Effects of earliness on heat stress tolerance in fifty potato cultivars. American Journal of Potato Research, https://doi.org/10.1007/s12230-019-09740-9

- Tao NJ, Zhu WJ, Gan MJ, Chen M, Li T, endu A, Jiao DL, Wang M, Xue CM, Lin YM, Yang Q (2019) Genomewide identification and functional analysis of the WDR protein family in potato. 3 Biotech, 9:432, https://doi.org/10.1007/s13205-019-1965-4

- Wang T, Chen YM, Zhuang WB, Zhang FJ, Shu XC, Wang Z, Yang Q (2019) Transcriptome Sequencing Reveals Regulatory Mechanisms of Taxol Synthesis in Taxus wallichiana var. Mairei. International Journal of Genomics, https://doi.org/10.1155/2019/1596895

- Zhu WJ, Bai X, Li GT, Chen M, Wang Z, Yang Q (2019) SpCYS, a cystatin gene from wild potato (Solanum pinnatisectum), is involved in the resistance against Spodoptera litura. Theor. Exp. Plant Physiol., 31:317–328, https://doi.org/10.1007/s40626-019-00148-8

- Tang RM, Niu SY, Zhang GD, Chen GS, Haroon M, Yang Q, Rajora OP, Li XQ (2018) Physiological and growth responses of potato cultivars to heat stress. Botany, 96: 897-912,  https://doi.org/10.1139/cjb-2018-0125

- Zhu WJ, Shi K, Tang RM, Mu XY, Cai JH, Chen M, You X, Yang Q (2018) Isolation and functional characterization of the SpCBF1 gene from Solanum pinnatisectum. Physiol Mol Biol Plants, 24(4):605-616, https://doi.org/10.1007/s12298-018-0536-1

- Mu XY, Liu XR, Cai JH, Zhu WJ, Wang Z, Yang Q, You X (2018) MiR395 overexpression increases eggplant sensibility to Verticillium dahliae infection. Russ J of Plant Physiololy, 65(2): 203-210

- Liu L, Zhang RJ, Zhu WJ, Liu XR, Shi K, Chen M, Yang Q (2017) Inhibitory effect of StCYP707A1 gene on tuberization in transgenic potato. Plant Biotechnol Rep, 11: 219-228, DOI: 10.1007/s11816-017-0442-y

- Tang RM, Zhu WJ, Song XY, Lin XZ, Cai JH, Wang M, Yang Q (2016) Genome-wide identification and function analyses of heat shock transcription factors in potato. Front. Plant Sci., 7:490. https://doi:10.3389/fpls.2016.00490

- Song XY, Zhu WJ, Tang RM, Cai JH, Chen M, Yang Q (2016) Over-expression of StLCYb increases b-carotene accumulation in potato tubers. Plant Biotechnol Rep, 10:95-104, DOI: 10.1007/s11816-016-0390-y

- Song XY, Zhang CZ, LI Y, Feng SS, Yang Q, Huang SW (2016) SSR analysis of genetic diversity among 192 diploid potato cultivars. Horticultural Plant Journal, 2 (3): 163-171.

- Chen M, Zhu WJ, You X, Liu YD, Kaleri GM, Yang Q (2015) Isolation and characterization of a chalcone isomerase gene promoter from potato cultivars. Genetics and Molecular Research, 14 (4): 18872-18885, http://dx.doi.org/10.4238/2015.December.28.37

- Wang SH, Yang XY, Xu MN, Lin XZ, Lin T, Qi JJ, Shao GJ, Tian NN, Yang Q, Zhang ZH, Huang SW (2015) A Rare SNP Identified a TCP Transcription Factor Essential for Tendril Development in Cucumber. Molecular Plant, 10/2015; DOI:10.1016/j.molp.2015.10.005

- Wang YL, Wang H, Ma YJ, Du HP, Yang Q, Yu DY (2015) Identification of transcriptional regulatory nodes in soybean defense networks using transient co-transactivation assays. Frontiers in Plant Science, 6: 1-16, http://dx.doi.org/10.3389/fpls.2015.00915

- Wang YL, Wang H, Ma YJ, Yang WM, Yang Q, Yu DY (2015) Identification of soybean herbivoryregulated genes and a transgenic investigation of their potential in insect resistance. Plant Cell Tissue and Organ Culture, 08/2015; 123(2):321-340, DOI:10.1007/s11240-015-0837-9

- Yang L, Shi C, Mu XY, Liu C, Shi K, Zhu WJ, Yang Q (2015) Cloning and expression of a wild eggplant cytochrome P450 gene, StoCYP77A2, involved in plant resistance to Verticillium dahliae. Plant Biotechnol Rep, 9:167-177, DOI 10.1007/s11816-015-0355-6

- Yang L, Mu XY, Liu C, Cai JH, Shi K, Zhu WJ and Yang Q (2015) Overexpression of potato miR482e enhanced plant sensitivity to Verticillium dahliae infection. Journal of Integrative Plant Biology, 57(12):1078-1088

- Jue DW, Yang L, Shi C, Chen M, Yang Q (2014) Cloning and characterization of a Solanum torvum NPR1 gene involved in regulating plant resistance to Verticillium dahliae. Acta Physiol Plant, 36:2999-3011, DOI 10.1007/s11738-014-1671-0

- Chu SS, Wang J, Cheng H, Yang Q, Yu DY (2014) Evolutionary study of the isoflavonoid pathway based on multiple copies analysis in soybean. BMC Genetics, 15:76, http://www.biomedcentral.com/1471-2156/15/76

- WANG YL, WANG H, FAN R, YANG Q, YU DY (2014) Transcriptome analysis of soybean lines reveals transcript diversity and genes involved in the response to common cutworm (Spodoptera litura Fabricius) feeding. Plant, Cell & Environment, 37: 2086-2101, doi: 10.1111/pce.12296

- Li W, Wang B, Wang M, Chen M, Yin JM, Kaleri GM, Zhang RJ, Zuo TN, You X and Yang Q (2014) Cloning and characterization of a potato StAN11 gene involved in anthocyanin biosynthesis regulation. Journal of Integrative Plant Biology, 56(4): 364-372, DOI: 10.1111/jipb.12136

- Zhang YF, Yang Q, Ji Q, Wang DZ, Xu C (2014) Expression, prification, and synergistic effects in starch binding of starch-binding domains (SBD-SBD4) derived from Aspergillus niger 2316 glucoamylase. Journal of pure and applied microbiology, 8(3):2021-2030

- Sang XL, Jue DW, Yang L, Bai X, Chen M, Yang Q (2013) Genetic transformation of Brassica napus with MSI-99m gene increases resistance in transgenic plants to Sclerotinia sclerotiorum. Molecular Plant Breeding, 4(30): 247-253, doi: 10.5376/mpb.2013.04.0030

- Yang L, Xie C, Li W, Zhang RJ, Jue DW, Yang Q (2013) Expression of a wild eggplant ribosomal protein L13a in potato enhances resistance to Verticillium dahliae. Plant Cell Tiss Organ Cult, 115(3) : 329-340, DOI 10.1007/s11240-013-0365-4

- Yang L, Jue DW, Li W, Zhang RJ, Chen M, Yang Q (2013) Identification of miRNA from eggplant (Solanum melongena L.) by small RNA deep sequencing and their response to Verticillium dahliae infection. PLoS ONE, 8(8): e72840. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0072840

- Liu SP, Hong YB, Wu Z, Ma YS, Jue DW, Xie C, Zhu YP, Chen M and Yang Q (2013) Protein extract of tobacco expressing StoVe1 gene inhibits Verticillium dahliae proliferation. Czech J. Genet. Plant Breed., 49: 58–64

- Hong YB, Liu SP, Zhu YP, Xie C, Jue DW, Chen M, Kaleri HA and Yang Q (2013) Expression of the MSI-99m gene in transgenic potato plants confers resistance to Phytophthora infestans and Ralstonia solanacearum. Plant Mol Biol Rep, 31:418-424

- Liu SP, Zhu YP, Xie C, Jue DW, Hong YB, Chen M, Hubdar AK, Yang Q(2012)Transgenic potato plants expressing StoVe1 exhibit enhanced resistance to Verticillium dahliae. Plant Mol Biol Rep, 30:1032-1039

- Wei Q, Feng ZH, Wang QY, Wang B, Zhang YF, Yang Q (2012) Increased accumulation of anthocyanins in transgenic potato tubers by over-expression of 3GT gene. Plant Biotechnol Rep,6: 69-75

- Wang QY, Chen Q, He ML, Mir PY, Su JY and Yang Q (2011): Inhibitory effect of antioxidant extracts from various potatoes on the proliferation of human colon and liver cancer cells, Nutr Cancer, 63(7):1044-1052, http://www.tandfonline.com/loi/hnuc20

- Xie YJ, Cui WT, Yuan XX, Shen WB, Yang Q (2011) Haem oxygenase-1 is associated with wheat salinity acclimation by modulating reactive oxygen species homeostasis. Journal of Integrative Plant Biology, 53( 8): 653-670, www.wileyonlinelibrary.com/journal/jipb

- Xie YJ, Xu S, Han B, Wu MZ, Yuan XX, Han Y, Gu Q, Xu DK, Yang Q and Shen WB (2011) Evidence of Arabidopsis salt acclimation induced by up-regulation of HY1 and the regulatory role of RbohD-derived reactive oxygen. species synthesis. Plant Journal, 66(2):280-292, https://doi: 10.1111/j.1365-313X.2011.04488.x


1)  杨清,史策,陈敏,决登伟. 野生茄子细胞色素氧化酶基因StCYO77A2及其表达载体和应用. 专利号:2013.1.0147109.3,  国家发明专利,2014。

2)杨清,决登伟,陈敏,杨柳. 野生茄子StoNPR1基因及其应用. 专利号:2013,1,0290069.8,  国家发明专利,2015。

3)杨清,决登伟,陈敏. 野生茄子StoWRKY6基因及其表达载体和应用. 专利号:2013.1.0549678,0,  国家发明专利,2015。














- 加拿大农业与农业食品部(AAFC)马铃薯研究中心,Dr Li Xiu-Qing, 资深研究员;

- 中国农业科学院副经理,深圳应用基因组研究所所长,黄三文研究员。


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